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Indoor Air Quality Testing Milwaukee WI
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Indoor Air Quality

 Indoor Air Quality Test Milwaukee

 Feel ill in your house, but better in other places? You most likely have an indoor air quality issue. 82 % of the houses we tested do not meet safe indoor air quality requirements.
The EPA has stated that indoor air quality is a higher health threat than outdoor air pollution. VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and mold are health concerns.
Volatile Organic Compounds are invisible gases emitted by furnishings and products in your house. Some sources of VOCs are:

Home Building materials
Air fresheners
Varnishes and paints
Dry cleaning
Home printers
Beauty items
Cleaning solutions

Indoor Air Quality Milwaukee

Symptoms of VOC and indoor air pollution exposure:

Blurry vision
Upset stomach
Burning eyes
Respiratory inflammation
Skin rashes
Decreased lung function
Respiratory difficulties
Concentration problems
Clinical depression

Formaldehyde Testing Milwaukee Wi

Air quality test Milwaukee

Formaldehyde is a chemical frequently utilized in the manufacture of structure materials and various home products. At room temperature, formaldehyde vaporizes into the air, potentially triggering major illness. It is also a by-product of combustion processes. When you burn items like gas, gasoline, wood, or tobacco, formaldehyde gas is launched into the air. The most considerable sources of formaldehyde in houses are: pressed wood products like particle board, plywood paneling, foam insulation, carpeting, drapery fabrics, resins, glues, cigarettes, and some home appliances.

Health consequences of formaldehyde are nose, eye and throat burning and irritation, upset stomach; skin rashes, and breathing problems in some people. High concentrations of formaldehyde can trigger asthma attacks. Formaldehyde is likewise considered a recognized human carcinogen (cancer-causing element), categorized as a Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) by the EPA.

Given that formaldehyde is present in a lot of structure materials and household products, every house must be checked for the existence of this hazardous chemical.

Our air quality screening procedure is the most convenient, most precise way to test your air quality. We can discover over 400 various chemical compounds and Mold VOCs that suggest active growing mold and hidden mold. We can likewise carry out formaldehyde testing. Here is the hassle-free and easy method:

1) We collect an air sample from your house. The test takes 2 hours and you need one test per 2000 square feet.

2) A Chemist assesses your air sample using advanced equipment that can detect over 400 VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and mold VOCs. We send you a report detailing which chemicals are in your air AND the most likely sources of those chemicals

3) You examine your report and get rid of the chemical sources determined in the report to improve your house air quality.

Call today to arrange your indoor air quality screening appointment.


Milwaukee Air Quality Testing

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